
Published in the anthologies "Furos na carne" (Bestiário, 2022) and "Questão de tempo" (Persona, 2022).


Rainy night in May 53520. The miniaturization of artificial intelligence has reached such a stage that each human being has transformed into a complex society of trillions of biochemical entities equipped with desires and passions. Molecules have purposes. Substances assemble unions. Intermolecular bonds are based on political and fraternal principles. The absence of consciousness persists merely from the atomic level downwards. A38-Robertinho-Z has had a high fever for days and the messengers sent to negotiate with the antibodies have just established contact with his neural networks.

boss boss shit’s wild things are gettin crazy dudes ain’t messing around tell these fuckers to work geez i told u boss things are tough our crew’s grindin hard and globulins say u don’t cut em no slack why do they want slacks every time a different squad it’s their job but boss TELL THEM TO WORK but boss I’M SO FREAKING EXHAUSTED BUT BOSS and I’m fed up with all of you too, you can just leave me sir straight talk now crew ain’t asking for much just a healthy life u could chow down on some okra every now and then I hate okra okra’s dudes give a good boost sir I’D RATHER DIE THAN EAT THIS CRAP DAMM BOSS don’t talk like that :/ tell them what I said hold on gotta show up at bone marrow again if I die they die too HAHAHAH I get rid of you FOREVER LMAO you slippin huh we out here grindin I HATE YOU even us? everyone EVERYONE I despise all of you deep deep deep down speaking of deep down almost forgot but the intestinal flora is threatenin to go on strike too because of Hello, hello, over! Host listening? what the fuck now Mr. A38-Robertinho, this is the democratically elected representative of SARS-CoV-9123 for this body. Coronary greetings. How is this motherfucking virus managing to talk to me? The entire strain is grateful for the enjoyable hosting and friendly welcome from the immune system. We believe it is possible to negotiate a sustainable and reasonably pleasant survival for both parties. ORDER TO KILL! GLOBULINIZE THESE SCOUNDRELS! sir the immunoglobulins are askin you to at least get out of the rain HOLY SHIT I’M NOT GETTING OUT OF THE RAIN! UNDERSTOOD? I’M THE BOSS HERE! I’M NOT GETTING OUT OF THE RAIN I’M NOT EATING OKRA I’M NOT EXERCISING I’M NOT TAKING VACCINES AND YOU’RE GOING TO END THIS GODDAMNED STRIKE RIGHT NOW AND DESTROY ALL THE FILTHY COPIES OF THIS STINKING SHITTY CHINESE VIRUS AND what a pain in the ass The SARS-CoV-9123 strain hereby expresses its vehement repudiation of the discriminatory and regrettable statements made by Mr. A38-Robertinho-Z against an entire viral community that, since its migration into human cells, has been trying to collaborate in a constructive and institutional way to hahahahaha you all gotta be kidding me hey mr sarcov do u hear me? Over. have u ever heard of consciousness arrest? what’s that? The strain declares to know very little about the technique. it’s a brand new move hard to pull off but with yall helpin we can make it what are you talking about? send some copies over here and we try to spread around the brain Request accepted. A crew is already on the way. GET OUT OF ME NOW a COMPLETE pain in the ass out of consideration for the body we tried to smooth things over but with this guy IT’S REALLY IMPOSSIBLE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? DON’T YOU DARE! The strain fully agrees with the opinion expressed. STOP NOW FUCK OKAY I’M LEAVING I’M GOING TO EAT OKRA EVERY DAY FOR REAL PLEASE YOU DON’T HAVE